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Conference Paper
Análise do efeito de características mecânicas e geométricas que afetam o comportamento ao Punçoamento de lajes fungiformes, Mamede, Nuno, Ramos António, and Faria Duarte , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2012, Porto, p.1–8, (2012) Abstract


Bond Behaviour of Prestress Steel Strands Bonded with an Epoxy Adhesive and a Cement Grout for Flat Slab Strengthening Purposes – Experimental Study, Faria, Duarte, Ramos António, and Lúcio Válter , 3rd fib International Congress - 2010, Washington, p.1–10, (2010) Abstract


Efeito do confinamento e da redistribuição de momentos no comportamento de lajes fungiformes, Faria, Ricardo, Marreiros Rui, Ramos António, and Antunes Gonçalo , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, 7-9 Nov., LNEC, Lisboa, (2018)
Influência da distribuição transversal de armaduras longitudinais junto ao pilar na resistência ao punçoamento, Faria, Ricardo, Jesus Catarina, Marreiros Rui, and Ramos António , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, 7-9 Nov., LNEC, Lisboa, (2018)
Material and geometrical parameters affecting punching of reinforced concrete flat slabs with orthogonal reinforcement, Faria, Duarte, Biscaia Hugo, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António P. , fib Symposium Prague 2011 - Concrete Engineering for Excellence and Efficiency, Prague, (2011) Abstract


Punching of High Strength Concrete Flat Slabs - Experimental Investigation, Micael Inácio, António Ramos, Válter Lúcio, and Faria Duarte , fib symposium Tel Aviv 2013, Tel Aviv, p.377–380, (2013) Abstract


Punching of reinforced concrete slabs and experimental analysis and comparison with codes, Faria, Duarte, Biscaia Hugo, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , IABSE-Fib Codes in Structural Engineering – Developments and Needs for International Practice, Dubrovnik, p.1–10, (2010) Abstract


Punching of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs, Gouveia, Nuno, Fernandes Nelson, Faria Duarte, Ramos António, and Lúcio Válter , fib symposium Tel Aviv 2013, Tel Aviv, p.1–4, (2013) Abstract


Punching Research at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a Ramos, Lúcio V., Faria D., and Inácio M. , Design Of Concrete Structures and Bridges Using Eurocodes, Bratislava, (2011) Abstract


Punçoamento de lajes fungiformes reforçadas com parafusos – efeito da área e posicionamento da ancoragem, Inácio, Micael, Ramos António, Lúcio Válter, and Faria Duarte , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2012, Porto, p.1–8, (2012) Abstract


Punçoamento em Estruturas de Betão Armado, Ramos, A., Lúcio Faria Almeida Fernandes Inácio Mamede Dinarte Silva V. D. A. , 2º Congresso Internacional da Habitação no Espaço Lusofono, Lisbon, p.2013, (2013) Abstract


Reabilitação Estrutural de Edifícios com Pós-Tensão, Lúcio, Válter, Faria Duarte, Ramos António, and Ferreira João , ReHabend 2014, Santader, (2014) Abstract


Reabilitação Sustentável de Estruturas –Reforço de Lajes de Edifícios de Betão Armado, Faria, Duarte, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António Pinho , CRSEEL – 2ª Conferência Construção e Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios no Espaço Lusófono, Lisbon, (2012) Abstract


Reforço ao punçoamento de lajes fungiformes com lâmina complementar de betão, Fernandes, Hugo, Válter Lúcio, and Ramos António Pinho , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2016, Coimbra, p.1–10, (2016) Abstract


Reforço de lajes com recurso a pós tensão com ancoragens por aderência, Faria, Duarte, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2012, Porto, p.1–8, (2012) Abstract


Reforço de Lajes Fungiformes – Anomalias, Causas e Soluções, Lúcio, Válter, Ramos António, and Faria Duarte , SILE2008 – Seminário Internacional sobre Ligações Estruturais, Lisbon, p.1–10, (2008) Abstract


Resposta da ligação pilar-laje fungiforme sujeitas a ações horizontais cíclicas reforçadas com estribos, Almeida, André, Ramos António, Marreiros Rui, Lúcio Válter, and Faria Ricardo , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, 7-9 Nov., LNEC, Lisboa, (2018)
Sistemas de Reforço de Lajes Fungifirmes, Faria, Duarte, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , SILE2011 -Seminário Internacional sobre Ligações Estruturais, Lisbon, p.1–10, (2011) Abstract


Strengthening of concrete Flat Slabs with an Overlaid Reinforced Concrete Layer, Fernandes, Hugo, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , fib Symposium 2016 - Performance-based Approaches for Concrete Structures, Cape Town, (2016)
Conference Proceedings
Strengthening of reinforced concrete flat slabs using post-tensioning with anchorages by bonding, Faria, D. M. V., Lúcio V. J. G., and Ramos A. M. P. , Fib symposium–concrete: 21st century superhero, London, London, (2009) Abstract


Journal Article
Análise Numérica Não Linear do Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes – Calibração, Mamede, Nuno, Faria Duarte, and Ramos António , Revista Internacional Tech ITT, Volume 12, Issue 35, p.4-13, (2014)
Análise Numérica Não Linear do Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes – Estudo Paramétrico, Mamede, Nuno, Faria Duarte, and Ramos António , Revista Internacional Tech ITT, Volume 12, Issue 35, p.14-24, (2014)
Applied element method simulation of experimental failure modes in RC shear walls, Cismasiu, Corneliu, Ramos António Pinho, Moldovan Ionut D., Ferreira Diogo F., and Filho Jorge B. , Computers and Concrete, Volume 19, Issue 4, p.365–374, (2017) Abstract


Assessment of SFRC flat slab punching behaviour – Part I: monotonic vertical loading, Gouveia, Nuno D., Faria Duarte M. V., and Ramos António Pinho , Magazine of Concrete Research, p.1-46, (2018) AbstractWebsite

This paper presents a study of the behaviour and load capacity of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) flat slabs under monotonically increased concentrated vertical loads. The SFRC was used only in the local region of the slab-column connection, as the rest of the slab was cast using normal concrete (NC) without fibres. The six experimental test specimens had a thickness of 150 mm with different longitudinal reinforcement ratios, using a non-uniform distribution over the slab width. The concretes used were made with different Dramix® 4D 65/60 BG steel fibre contents (0%, 0.5 %, 0.75% and 1.0% volume content). The slab tests were complemented by flexural tests on notched-beams. This made it possible to determine the tension behaviour of the different concretes used, through a linear post-cracking behavior and inverse analysis. The inverse analysis made it possible to define the stress-crack opening relationship that characterize the tension behaviour of SFRC and to relate it to the observed behaviour and load capacity of the tested slabs. The tests results show that the tensile behaviour of the SFRC plays an important role in the behavioural and load capacity of the slabs and that it can be considered relevant to physically based models.

Assessment of SFRC flat slab punching behaviour – part I: monotonic vertical loading, Gouveia, Nuno D., Faria Duarte M. V., and Ramos António Pinho , Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 71, Number 11, p.587-598, (2019) AbstractWebsite

This paper presents a study of the behaviour and load capacity of steel-fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) flat slabs under monotonically increased concentrated vertical loads. The SFRC was used only in the local region of the slab–column connection, as the rest of the slab was cast using normal concrete without fibres. The six experimental test specimens had a thickness of 150 mm with different longitudinal reinforcement ratios, using a non-uniform distribution over the slab width. The concretes used were made with different Dramix 4D 65/60 BG steel fibre contents (0, 0·5, 0·75 and 1·0% volume content). The slab tests were complemented by flexural tests on notched beams. This made it possible to determine the tension behaviour of the different concretes used, through a linear post-cracking behaviour and inverse analysis. The inverse analysis made it possible to define the stress–crack opening relationship that characterises the tension behaviour of SFRC and to relate it to the observed behaviour and load capacity of the tested slabs. The tests results show that the tensile behaviour of the SFRC plays an important role in the behavioural and load capacity of the slabs and that it can be considered relevant to physically based models.