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Análise do efeito de características mecânicas e geométricas que afetam o comportamento ao Punçoamento de lajes fungiformes, Mamede, Nuno, Ramos António, and Faria Duarte , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2012, Porto, p.1–8, (2012) Abstract


Análise Numérica Não Linear do Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes – Calibração, Mamede, Nuno, Faria Duarte, and Ramos António , Revista Internacional Tech ITT, Volume 12, Issue 35, p.4-13, (2014)
Análise Numérica Não Linear do Punçoamento em Lajes Fungiformes – Estudo Paramétrico, Mamede, Nuno, Faria Duarte, and Ramos António , Revista Internacional Tech ITT, Volume 12, Issue 35, p.14-24, (2014)
Applied element method simulation of experimental failure modes in RC shear walls, Cismasiu, Corneliu, Ramos António Pinho, Moldovan Ionut D., Ferreira Diogo F., and Filho Jorge B. , Computers and Concrete, Volume 19, Issue 4, p.365–374, (2017) Abstract


Assessment of SFRC flat slab punching behaviour – Part I: monotonic vertical loading, Gouveia, Nuno D., Faria Duarte M. V., and Ramos António Pinho , Magazine of Concrete Research, p.1-46, (2018) AbstractWebsite

This paper presents a study of the behaviour and load capacity of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) flat slabs under monotonically increased concentrated vertical loads. The SFRC was used only in the local region of the slab-column connection, as the rest of the slab was cast using normal concrete (NC) without fibres. The six experimental test specimens had a thickness of 150 mm with different longitudinal reinforcement ratios, using a non-uniform distribution over the slab width. The concretes used were made with different Dramix® 4D 65/60 BG steel fibre contents (0%, 0.5 %, 0.75% and 1.0% volume content). The slab tests were complemented by flexural tests on notched-beams. This made it possible to determine the tension behaviour of the different concretes used, through a linear post-cracking behavior and inverse analysis. The inverse analysis made it possible to define the stress-crack opening relationship that characterize the tension behaviour of SFRC and to relate it to the observed behaviour and load capacity of the tested slabs. The tests results show that the tensile behaviour of the SFRC plays an important role in the behavioural and load capacity of the slabs and that it can be considered relevant to physically based models.

Assessment of SFRC flat slab punching behaviour – part I: monotonic vertical loading, Gouveia, Nuno D., Faria Duarte M. V., and Ramos António Pinho , Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 71, Number 11, p.587-598, (2019) AbstractWebsite

This paper presents a study of the behaviour and load capacity of steel-fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) flat slabs under monotonically increased concentrated vertical loads. The SFRC was used only in the local region of the slab–column connection, as the rest of the slab was cast using normal concrete without fibres. The six experimental test specimens had a thickness of 150 mm with different longitudinal reinforcement ratios, using a non-uniform distribution over the slab width. The concretes used were made with different Dramix 4D 65/60 BG steel fibre contents (0, 0·5, 0·75 and 1·0% volume content). The slab tests were complemented by flexural tests on notched beams. This made it possible to determine the tension behaviour of the different concretes used, through a linear post-cracking behaviour and inverse analysis. The inverse analysis made it possible to define the stress–crack opening relationship that characterises the tension behaviour of SFRC and to relate it to the observed behaviour and load capacity of the tested slabs. The tests results show that the tensile behaviour of the SFRC plays an important role in the behavioural and load capacity of the slabs and that it can be considered relevant to physically based models.

Assessment of SFRC flat slab punching behaviour – part II: reversed horizontal cyclic loading, Gouveia, Nuno D., Faria Duarte M. V., and Ramos António Pinho , Magazine of Concrete Research, p.1-17, (2018) AbstractWebsite

This paper presents an experimental study of four flat slab specimens subjected to combined vertical and horizontal cyclic loading. Steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) was used only in the local region of the slab–column connection, while the rest of the slabs were cast using normal concrete. The specimens measured 4·15 m × 1·85 m × 0·15 m and were connected to two steel half columns by 0·25 m × 0·25 m rigid steel plates, prestressed against the slab using steel bolts, to ensure monolithic behaviour. The specimens were tested using an innovative test setup system that accounted for important factors, such as the ability of bending moment redistribution, line of inflection mobility and assured equal vertical displacements at the opposite slab borders, and symmetrical shear forces. Results show that the presence of SFRC in the slab–column connection region is effective in increasing the deformation capacity of slab–column connections, allowing the increase of horizontal drift ratios.

Assessment of SFRC flat slab punching behaviour – part II: reversed horizontal cyclic loading, Gouveia, Nuno D., Faria Duarte M. V., and Ramos António Pinho , Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 71, Number 1, p.26-42, (2019) AbstractWebsite

This paper presents an experimental study of four flat slab specimens subjected to combined vertical and horizontal cyclic loading. Steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) was used only in the local region of the slab–column connection, while the rest of the slabs were cast using normal concrete. The specimens measured 4·15 m × 1·85 m × 0·15 m and were connected to two steel half columns by 0·25 m × 0·25 m rigid steel plates, prestressed against the slab using steel bolts, to ensure monolithic behaviour. The specimens were tested using an innovative test setup system that accounted for important factors, such as the ability of bending moment redistribution, line of inflection mobility and assured equal vertical displacements at the opposite slab borders, and symmetrical shear forces. Results show that the presence of SFRC in the slab–column connection region is effective in increasing the deformation capacity of slab–column connections, allowing the increase of horizontal drift ratios.

Bond Behaviour of Prestress Steel Strands Bonded with an Epoxy Adhesive and a Cement Grout for Flat Slab Strengthening Purposes – Experimental Study, Faria, Duarte, Ramos António, and Lúcio Válter , 3rd fib International Congress - 2010, Washington, p.1–10, (2010) Abstract


Discussion of “Strengthening Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Floor Slabs Using Polypropylene Fiber Reinforcement” by Matthew J. Radik, Ece Erdogmus, and Travis Schafer, Faria, Duarte M. V., Lúcio Valtér J. G., and Pinho Ramos António M. , Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, aug, Volume 25, Number 8, p.1142–1142, (2013) AbstractWebsite


Efeito do confinamento e da redistribuição de momentos no comportamento de lajes fungiformes, Faria, Ricardo, Marreiros Rui, Ramos António, and Antunes Gonçalo , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, 7-9 Nov., LNEC, Lisboa, (2018)
The effect of the vertical component of prestress forces on the punching strength of flat slabs, Ramos, Pinho A., Lúcio Válter J. G., and Faria Duarte M. V. , Engineering Structures, Volume 76, p.90–98, (2014) Abstract

The use of prestress in flat slabs is a common solution, mainly because it allows larger spans and thinner slabs. Nevertheless, smaller thicknesses near the slab-column connections, along with the superposition of high shear and flexural stresses, arise the question of the slab capacity to resist punching. The punching failure results from the superposition of shear and flexural stresses near the column, and is associated to the formation of a pyramidal plug of concrete which punches through the slab. It is a local and brittle failure. The use of prestress can increase the punching capacity of flat slabs-column connections.This work presents the experimental analysis of flat slab specimens with tendons under punching. Nine slabs were tested using unbonded prestress with high strength steel tendons. The influences on the punching capacity of the vertical component of the prestress forces resulting from inclined tendons near the column and their distance to the column are analysed. The in-plane compression force due to prestress was not applied to the slabs, in order to evaluate only the deviation force influence. This work aims to improve the understanding of the behaviour of prestressed flat slabs under punching load in order to properly evaluate the punching resistance of this kind of structures. The experimental punching loads are compared with the provisions of EC2, ACI 318-11 and MC2010. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

Experimental and parametric 3D nonlinear finite element analysis on punching of flat slabs with orthogonal reinforcement, Silva Mamede, Nuno F., Pinho Ramos A., and Faria Duarte M. V. , Engineering Structures, mar, Volume 48, p.442–457, (2013) AbstractWebsite

This work refers to experimental and 3D nonlinear FEA on punching. Numerical results were compared with experimental ones in order to benchmark the FE model and afterwards a parametric study was conducted, changing the reinforcement ratio, slab thickness, concrete strength and column dimensions, running a total of 360 models, where their effect on punching capacity is shown. EC2 and MC2010 provisions agreed approximately with experimental and FEA results. Based in the FEA results it is proposed an equation to predict the punching capacity with the introduction of fracture mechanics parameter, which was compared with several experimental results, giving good approximation.

Experimental and theoretical evaluation of punching strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete slabs, Gouveia, Nuno D., Lapi Massimo, Orlando Maurizio, Faria Duarte M. V., and Ramos António M. P. , Structural Concrete, Volume 19, Issue 1, Number 1, p.217-229, (2018) AbstractWebsite

This paper deals with the experimental and theoretical evaluation of punching shear capacity of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) slab–column connections. Five experimental specimens with a thickness of 160 mm, different fiber volume contents (0, 1.0, and 1.5%) and different flexural reinforcement ratios (0.75 and 1.5%) have been tested. The experimental results were evaluated using a physical–mechanical model based on the critical shear crack theory (CSCT). The model has given a good approximation of experimental punching shear strengths. In general, tests have highlighted a significant increase in load and deformation capacity of fiber reinforced concrete slab–column connections in comparison with reinforced concrete connections.

Influence of the top reinforcement detailing in the behaviour of flat slabs, Faria, Ricardo, Marreiros Rui, Ramos António Pinho, and Jesus Catarina , Structures, Volume 23, p.718 - 730, (2020) AbstractWebsite

This paper studies the influence of different longitudinal top reinforcement detailing on the behaviour and punching capacity of flat slabs. Experimental and numerical studies were carried out. The experimental campaign consisted in testing three reinforced concrete slabs 2.20 m wide with a thickness equal to 0.15 m. The numerical study was conducted using the non-linear finite element software ATENA 3D. Using numerical models, which were calibrated using the experimental tests, a parametric study was carried out to include other design solutions beyond the tested ones. The parameters that were changed in this parametric study were the steel reinforcement ratio, the concrete strength and the detailing of the top steel reinforcement, namely using a solution with uniform distribution and other with a higher concentration of reinforcement near the column. Finally, the results were compared with predictions obtained using some of the existing codes (Eurocode 2 and Model Code 2010). From this study it can be concluded that concentrating the top flexural reinforcement, keeping the same total amount of top longitudinal reinforcement, results in a stiffer response, an increment in the punching resistance, and a decrease in the maximum vertical displacement.

Influência da distribuição transversal de armaduras longitudinais junto ao pilar na resistência ao punçoamento, Faria, Ricardo, Jesus Catarina, Marreiros Rui, and Ramos António , Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2018, 7-9 Nov., LNEC, Lisboa, (2018)
Material and geometrical parameters affecting punching of reinforced concrete flat slabs with orthogonal reinforcement, Faria, Duarte, Biscaia Hugo, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António P. , fib Symposium Prague 2011 - Concrete Engineering for Excellence and Efficiency, Prague, (2011) Abstract


Performance assessment of flat slabs strengthened with a bonded reinforced-concrete overlay, Lapi, M., Fernandes H., Orlando M., a Ramos, and Lúcio V. , Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 70, Number 9, p.433-451, (2018) AbstractWebsite
A physical approach for considering how anchorage head size influences the punching capacity of slabs strengthened with vertical steel bolts, Silva, Ricardo, Faria Duarte Viúla M., Ramos Pinho A., and Inácio Micael , Structural Concrete, dec, Volume 14, Number 4, p.389–400, (2013) AbstractWebsite


Post-punching behaviour of flat slabs strengthened with a new technique using post-tensioning, Faria, Duarte M. V., Lúcio Válter J. G., and Pinho Ramos A. , Engineering Structures, jul, Volume 40, p.383–397, (2012) AbstractWebsite

This work presents an experimental study concerning the post-punching behaviour of flat slabs strengthened with a new technique based on post-tensioning with anchorages by bonding using an epoxy adhesive. This strengthening technique proved efficient with respect to ultimate and serviceability states. Five slab specimens were tested in the post-punching range and it was found that the post-punching resistance was on average 78{%} of the punching resistance. This paper reports the development of strand forces and slab displacements from the beginning of the tests, including the bond stresses developed at several stages of the loading process. It was observed that top reinforcement bars were capable of transmitting post-punching loads to the prestressing strands. Taking this into account and based on the load bath envisaged from the column to the slab, expressions for the vertical load capacities corresponding to the parts of the load path are presented and compared with the experimental results, showing their ability to predict both ultimate loads and modes of failure. Compared with other strengthening techniques, the one proposed here not only upgrades ultimate and serviceability behaviour but also adds post-punching resistance, which is a great advantage in the event of progressive collapse, since it may avoid the collapse of an entire structure, thus reducing the risk of material and human losses.

Pull-out and push-in tests of bonded steel strands, Faria, Duarte Viúla M., Lúcio Válter J. G., and Ramos Pinho A. , Magazine of Concrete Research, Volume 63, Number 9, p.689–705, (2011) AbstractWebsite

The objective of this study was to analyse the behaviour of prestress strand anchorages by bonding with an epoxy adhesive for structural strengthening use. Pull-out and push-in tests were carried out on 15·2 mm diameter prestress steel strands sealed in 18 mm diameter holes with several embedment lengths, complemented by long-term tests. Experimental results are presented and compared with theoretical results regarding maximum pull-out and transmittable loads and also draw-in results. Theoretical results are obtained by solving the governing equation of the bond phenomenon adopting a non-linear local bond/slip law derived from pull-out tests with short embedment length. The study shows that it is reasonable to assume an average constant bond stress for anchorage design with the studied epoxy adhesive in the range of the studied values of anchor embedment length and diameter. The average values for bond stress to be used for determining the maximum pull-out and transmittable loads were found to be 12·0 and 5·2 MPa, respectively. Experimental draw-in values show a great variability, and so determining transmission length based on draw-in values may lead to a false perception that the transmission length is very variable.

Punching of High Strength Concrete Flat Slabs - Experimental Investigation, Micael Inácio, António Ramos, Válter Lúcio, and Faria Duarte , fib symposium Tel Aviv 2013, Tel Aviv, p.377–380, (2013) Abstract


Punching of high strength concrete flat slabs without shear reinforcement, Inácio, Micael M. G., Almeida André F. O., Faria Duarte M. V., Lúcio Válter J. G., and Ramos António Pinho , Engineering Structures, nov, Volume 103, p.275–284, (2015) AbstractWebsite

The experimental research carried out to study the punching behavior of high strength concrete (HSC) flat slabs is reported in the present work. Three flat slab specimens were cast using HSC and another one with normal strength concrete (NSC), to be used as a reference slab. The HSC mix presented a compressive strength of about 130MPa, with a basalt coarse aggregate. The tested specimens were square with 1650mm side and 125mm thickness. The longitudinal reinforcement ratio varied between 0.94{%} and 1.48{%}. The experimental results show that the use of HSC led to a significant load capacity increase when compared with the reference model made with NSC. Furthermore, the experimental results also indicated that as the longitudinal reinforcement ratio increased, the punching capacity also increased. The results obtained in this set of experimental tests and others collected from the literature were compared with the code provisions by EC2, MC2010 and ACI 318-11.

Punching of reinforced concrete slabs and experimental analysis and comparison with codes, Faria, Duarte, Biscaia Hugo, Lúcio Válter, and Ramos António , IABSE-Fib Codes in Structural Engineering – Developments and Needs for International Practice, Dubrovnik, p.1–10, (2010) Abstract


Punching of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs, Gouveia, Nuno, Fernandes Nelson, Faria Duarte, Ramos António, and Lúcio Válter , fib symposium Tel Aviv 2013, Tel Aviv, p.1–4, (2013) Abstract
