Flat slab structural response for seismic european design. Full scale testing results,
Coronelli, Dario, Martinelli Luca, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Radu, and Ramos Antonio
, fib Symposium, Volume 2021-June, p.1831 – 1839, (2021)
A state of the art of flat-slab frame tests for gravity and lateral loading,
Coronelli, Dario, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Ion R., Ramos Antonio P., and Netti Teresa
, Structural Concrete, Volume n/a, Number n/a, (2020)
AbstractAbstract This paper presents a critical review of the state of the art of experimental research concerning the seismic response of reinforced concrete flat slab frames. After a summary of tests on connections, the paper examines tests carried out on frames with gravity and cyclic lateral loading, and shake table tests; scaled specimens and one real scale study are included. A discussion of the results reached so far is provided focusing on the global response, the different load types and effects; the ultimate rotations at failure in relation to the gravity shear and a classification of different failure modes for different types of connections. Based on this analysis, the research needs are highlighted. An experimental program launched to address these open questions is described. Further open topics are highlighted.
Flat slab structural response for seismic european design. Full scale testing results,
Coronelli, Dario, Martinelli Luca, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Radu, and Ramos Antonio
, fib Symposium, Volume 2021-June, p.1831 – 1839, (2021)
Flat Plate Building and Frame Full Scale Tests for European Design Provisions,
Coronelli, Dario, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Radu, and Ramos Antonio
, American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, Volume SP-353, p.73 – 96, (2022)
Testing of a full-scale flat slab building for gravity and lateral loads,
Coronelli, Dario, Lamperti Tornaghi Marco, Martinelli Luca, Molina Francisco-Javier, Muttoni Aurelio, Pascu Ion Radu, Pegon Pierre, Peroni Marco, Ramos António Pinho, Tsionis Georgios, and Netti Teresa
, Engineering Structures, Volume 243, (2021)
Influence of prestressing on the punching strength of post-tensioned slabs,
Clement, Thibault, Ramos Antonio Pinho, Ruiz Miguel Fernandez, and Muttoni Aurelio
, Engineering Structures, Volume 72, p.56–69, (2014)
AbstractPrevious researches on punching of post-tensioned slabs have shown a number of phenomena significantly influencing their strength and behaviour. However, no general agreement is yet found on a physical theory (either in codes of practice or in design models) suitably describing the influence of prestressing and how should it be accounted on the punching shear behaviour. In this paper, the authors present the results of tests on 15 slabs (3000. ??. 3000. ??. 250. mm) tested to failure under different loading conditions. The aim of the tests was to investigate in a separate manner the different actions induced by prestressing on the punching shear strength (in-plane forces, bending moments and bonded tendons). These results are finally investigated on the basis of the physical model of the Critical Shear Crack Theory. The fundamentals of this theory are presented and adapted to post-tensioned slabs, providing a rational explanation of the observed phenomena and measured strengths. ?? 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
Design for punching of prestressed concrete slabs,
Clement, Thibault, Ramos Antonio Pinho, Ruiz Miguel Fernandez, and Muttoni Aurelio
, Structural Concrete, Volume 14, Number 2, p.157–167, (2013)
Applied element method simulation of experimental failure modes in RC shear walls,
Cismasiu, Corneliu, Ramos António Pinho, Moldovan Ionut D., Ferreira Diogo F., and Filho Jorge B.
, Computers and Concrete, Volume 19, Issue 4, p.365–374, (2017)