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Polino, M., H. S. Rho, M. P. Pina, R. Mallada, AL Carvalho, MJ Romão, Isabel Coelhoso, J. G. E. Gardeniers, J. G. Crespo, and Carla A. M. Portugal. "Protein Crystallization in a Microfluidic Contactor with Nafion®117 Membranes." Membranes. 11 (2021). AbstractWebsite

Protein crystallization still remains mostly an empirical science, as the production of crystals with the required quality for X-ray analysis is dependent on the intensive screening of the best protein crystallization and crystal’s derivatization conditions. Herein, this demanding step was addressed by the development of a high-throughput and low-budget microfluidic platform consisting of an ion exchange membrane (117 Nafion® membrane) sandwiched between a channel layer (stripping phase compartment) and a wells layer (feed phase compartment) forming 75 independent micro-contactors. This microfluidic device allows for a simultaneous and independent screening of multiple protein crystallization and crystal derivatization conditions, using Hen Egg White Lysozyme (HEWL) as the model protein and Hg2+ as the derivatizing agent. This microdevice offers well-regulated crystallization and subsequent crystal derivatization processes based on the controlled transport of water and ions provided by the 117 Nafion® membrane. Diffusion coefficients of water and the derivatizing agent (Hg2+) were evaluated, showing the positive influence of the protein drop volume on the number of crystals and crystal size. This microfluidic system allowed for crystals with good structural stability and high X-ray diffraction quality and, thus, it is regarded as an efficient tool that may contribute to the enhancement of the proteins’ crystals structural resolution.

Freire, Filipe, Maria Joao Romao, Anjos L. Macedo, Susana S. Aveiro, Brian J. Goodfellow, and Ana Luisa Carvalho. "Preliminary structural characterization of human SOUL, a haem-binding protein." Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. 65 (2009): 723-726. Abstract
Carvalho, AL, JM Dias, L. Sanz, A. Romero, JJ Calvete, and MJ Romao. "Purification, crystallization and identification by X-ray analysis of a prostate kallikrein from horse seminal plasma." Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography. 57 (2001): 1180-1183. Abstract

The purification, crystallization and identification by X-ray diffraction analysis of a horse kallikrein is reported. The protein was purired from horse seminal plasma. Crystals belong to space group C2 and the structure was solved by the MIRAS method, with two heavy-atom derivatives of mercury and platinum. X-ray diffraction data to 1.42 Angstrom resolution were collected at the ESRF synchrotron-radiation source.