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Carvalho, Ana Luisa, Fernando M. V. Dias, Tibor Nagy, Jose A. M. Prates, Mark R. Proctor, Nicola Smith, Edward A. Bayer, Gideon J. Davies, Luis M. A. Ferreira, Maria J. Romao, Carlos M. G. A. Fontes, and Harry J. Gilbert. "Evidence for a dual binding mode of dockerin modules to cohesins." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104 (2007): 3089-3094. Abstract
Bras, Joana L. A., Ana Luisa Carvalho, Aldino Viegas, Shabir Najmudin, Victor D. Alves, Jose A. M. Prates, Luis M. A. Ferreira, Maria J. Romao, Harry J. Gilbert, and Carlos M. G. A. Fontes. "Escherichia coli expression, purification, crystallization, and structure determination of bacterial cohesin-dockerin complexes." Methods in enzymology. Vol. 510. 2012. 395-415. Abstract

Cellulosomes are highly efficient nanomachines that play a fundamental role during the anaerobic deconstruction of complex plant cell wall carbohydrates. The assembly of these complex nanomachines results from the very tight binding of repetitive cohesin modules, located in a noncatalytic molecular scaffold, and dockerin domains located at the C-terminus of the enzyme components of the cellulosome. The number of enzymes found in a cellulosome varies but may reach more than 100 catalytic subunits if cellulosomes are further organized in polycellulosomes, through a second type of cohesin-dockerin interaction. Structural studies have revealed how the cohesin-dockerin interaction mediates cellulosome assembly and cell-surface attachment, while retaining the flexibility required to potentiate catalytic synergy within the complex. Methods that might be applied for the production, purification, and structure determination of cohesin-dockerin complexes are described here. Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Silva, José Malanho, Linda Cerofolini, Ana Luísa Carvalho, Enrico Ravera, Marco Fragai, Giacomo Parigi, Anjos L. Macedo, Carlos F. G. C. Geraldes, and Claudio Luchinat. "Elucidating the concentration-dependent effects of thiocyanate binding to carbonic anhydrase." 244 (2023): 112222. AbstractWebsite

Many proteins naturally carry metal centers, with a large share of them being in the active sites of several enzymes. Paramagnetic effects are a powerful source of structural information and, therefore, if the native metal is paramagnetic, or it can be functionally substituted with a paramagnetic one, paramagnetic effects can be used to study the metal sites, as well as the overall structure of the protein. One notable example is cobalt(II) substitution for zinc(II) in carbonic anhydrase. In this manuscript we investigate the effects of sodium thiocyanate on the chemical environment of the metal ion of the human carbonic anhydrase II. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) titration of the cobalt(II) protein with thiocyanate shows that the EPR spectrum changes from A-type to C-type on passing from 1:1 to 1:1000-fold ligand excess. This indicates the occurrence of a change in the electronic structure, which may reflect a sizable change in the metal coordination environment in turn caused by a modification of the frozen solvent glass. However, paramagnetic nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data indicate that the metal coordination cage remains unperturbed even in 1:1000-fold ligand excess. This result proves that the C-type EPR spectrum observed at large ligand concentration should be ascribed to the low temperature at which EPR measurements are performed, which impacts on the structure of the protein when it is destabilized by a high concentration of a chaotropic agent.