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A.G., Batista, and MJ English. "A Method for the Ventricular Late Potentials Detection and Characterisation using Wavelets." Proceedings of 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE, 1996.
Batista, AG, and MJ English. "A Multiresolution Wavelet Method for Charaterization of Ventricular Late Potentials." Computers in Cardiology. 1996.
Nascimento, B., AG Batista, L. B. Alves, and M. D. Ortigueira. "MicroECG: An Integrated Platform for the Cardiac Arrythmia Detection and Characterization." EMERGING TRENDS IN TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION Book Series. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2010.
Batista, AG, S. Najdi, D. M. Godinho, F. Serrano, M. D. Ortigueira, and R. T. Rato. "A Multichannel Time-Frequency and Multi-Wavelet Toolbox for Uterine Electromyography Processing and Visualisation." Computers in Biology and Medicine. 76.1 (2016): 178-191.