Arnaldo Guimarães Batista
Dept. of Electrical Engineering of the Faculty of Sciences of Technology of the Nova University of Lisbon
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Conference Paper
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, and Batista Arnaldo.
Short Time Fourier Transform and Automatic Visual Scoring for the Detection of Sleep Spindles
3rd IFIP/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems
. 372, 2012.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa.
Threshold choice for automatic spindle detection
IWSSIP 2012: 19th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
. 2012.
Conference Proceedings
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa
Sleep Spindles detection: series and parallel combination of algorithm
. 9th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing., 2012.
Journal Article
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa.
An Automatic Sleep Spindle Detector based on WT, STFT and WMSD
Proceedings Of World Academy Of Science, Engineering And Technology (2070-3740)
. 68 (2012): 2154-2157.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, and Batista Arnaldo.
K-means Clustering for Sleep Spindles Classification
International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science (2091-1610)
. 10 (2013): 77-85.
João, Costa, Ortigueira Manuel, Batista Arnaldo, and Paiva Teresa.
Sleep Spindles Detection: a Mixed Method using STFT and WMSD
International Journal Of Bioelectromagnetism (1456-7857)
. 14 (2012): 229-233.
Software Development
Thesis Supervision
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Recent Publications
On the Feasibility of Real-Time HRV Estimation Using Overly Noisy PPG Signals
Time-Frequency Analysis of the EEG Signals: Visual Identification of Epileptic Patterns
A signal processing view of differintegration
EEG signal pre-processing for segmentation into significant regions, major artefacts removal, and uncertainty reduction in epileptic seizure characterization
Peak Detection and HRV Feature Evaluation on ECG and PPG Signals
A Preliminary Exploration of the Placental Position Influence on Uterine Electromyography Using Fractional Modelling