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Viegas, João, Daniel Aelenei, Susana Azevedo, Hildebrando Cruz, and Armando Pinto Santos. "Environment and health in children day care centre analysis and simulation of ventilation." The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation. 2012. Abstract
Viegas, J. C., F. Oliveira, and D. Aelenei. "Experimental study on the aerodynamic sealing of air curtains." Fluids. 3 (2018). AbstractWebsite
Viegas, João Carlos, Susana Nogueira, Daniel Aelenei, Hildebrando Cruz, Manuela Cano, and Nuno Neuparth. "Numerical evaluation of ventilation performance in children day care centres." Building Simulation. 8 (2015): 189-209. Abstract

Modelling of ventilation is strongly dependent on the physical characteristics of the building of which precise evaluation is a complex and time consuming task. In the frame of a research project, two children day care centres (CDCC) have been selected in order to measure the envelope air permeability, the flow rate of mechanical ventilation systems and indoor and outdoor temperature. The data obtained was used as input to the computer code CONTAM for ventilation simulations. The results obtained were compared with direct measurements of ventilation flow from short term measurements with CO2 tracer gas and medium term measurements with perfluorocarbon tracer (PFT) gas decay method. After validation, in order to analyse the main parameters that affect ventilation, the model was used to predict the ventilation rates for a wide range of conditions. The purpose of this assessment was to find the best practices to improve natural ventilation. A simple analytical method to predict the ventilation flow rate of rooms is also presented. The method is based on the estimation of wind effect on the room through the evaluation of an average factor and on the assessment of relevant cross section of gaps and openings combined in series or in parallel. It is shown that it may be applied with acceptable accuracy for this type of buildings when ventilation is due essentially to wind action.

Silva, Rui, Jorge Patrício, and Daniel Aelenei. "Avaliação acústica de edifícios habitacionais - análise dos coeficientes de ponderação associados aos índices de comportamento acústico de habitações." European Symposium on Environmental Acoustics and Noise Mapping. 2013. Abstract


Santos, J. P., and Daniel Aelenei. "Avaliação experimental dos níveis de qualidade de ar interior em quartos de dormir." PATORREB 2009. 978-972-752-109-8. 2009. Abstract


Santos, Tânia, and Daniel Aelenei. "Reabilitação energética de edifícios residenciais com recurso a paredes de armazenamento térmico." PATORREB 2012. 978-84-96712-49-2. 2012. Abstract


Romila, Claudiu, and Daniel Aelenei. "Rehabilitation of residential buildings with low thermal protection using ventilated wood façades." PATORREB 2012. 978-84-96712-49-2. 2012. Abstract


Romano, R., L. Aelenei, D. Aelenei, and E. S. Mazzucchelli. "What is an adaptive façade? Analysis of recent terms and definitions from an international perspective." Journal of Facade Design and Engineering. 6 (2018): 065-076. AbstractWebsite
Reynders, G., R. Amaral Lopes, A. Marszal-Pomianowska, D. Aelenei, J. Martins, and D. Saelens. "Energy flexible buildings: An evaluation of definitions and quantification methodologies applied to thermal storage." Energy and Buildings. 166 (2018): 372-390. AbstractWebsite
Mendes, Ana, Daniel Aelenei, Ana Luisa Papoila, Pedro Carreiro-Martins, Livia Aguiar, Cristiana Pereira, Paula Neves, Susana Azevedo, Manuela Cano, Carmo Proenca, and others. "Environmental and Ventilation Assessment in Child Day Care Centers in Porto: The Envirh Project." Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 77 (2014): 931-943. Abstract

Children attending day care centers (CDCC) have been reported to be more prone to infectious diseases when compared with those cared for at home, and are exposed to conditions that may increase the risk of allergies and asthma. Several studies revealed that consequences of poor ventilation conditions include high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and many other indoor pollutants commonly detected in schools. Nine child day care centers were selected randomly to participate in this study. Fifty-two classrooms were assessed for chemical, biological, physical, and allergen parameters in spring and winter seasons in these nine CDCC located in Porto, Portugal. Outdoor measurements were also conducted for comparison. Our results indicated that (i) particulate matter (PM10) median levels were above the national reference levels, both by classroom type and by season; (ii) TVOC kindergarten peak values may raise some concern; (iii) CO2 was present at high median and maximum levels during spring and winter assessment in both nurseries and kindergartens classrooms; (iv) total bacteria concentrations were 57- and 52-fold higher in the nursery and kindergarten than outdoors, respectively, for the spring season; (v) winter and spring median predicted mean vote (PMV) indices were between "neutral" (0) and "slightly cool" (? -1) in the thermal sensation scale for comfort situations (-2 to 2) for both types of classrooms; (vi) there were significant differences for both PMV and predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD) indices by season; and (vii) CO2, total bacteria, and gram-negative bacteria were associated with low airflow rates. These data will help to evaluate the effectiveness of current building operation practices in child day care centers regarding indoor air quality and respiratory health.

Mendes, Ana Sofia, Maria Amalia Botelho, Ana Luisa Papoila, João Viegas, Daniel Aelenei, Paixão, P. Paquete, Iolanda Caires, Susana Azevedo, Pedro Martins, J. Martins, C. Pedro, P. Neves, Nuno Neuparth, and João Teixeira. "Geria Project preliminary study on indoor air quality and health related quality of life in elderly care centers." CISE 2012, Conference. 2012. Abstract


Mendes, Ana, Daniel Aelenei, L. Aguiar, C. Pereira, M. Neves, Silva P, Azevedo Susana, D. Mendes, L. Guimar, and J. Teixeira. "The Effects on Health of Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort In Elderly Care Centers." 2nd International Conference on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology. 2013. Abstract
Malan, AG, JP Meyer, PJ Coelho, and D. Aelenei. "Application of high-order spatial resolution schemes to the hybrid finite volume/finite element method for radiative transfer in participating media." International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow. 18 (2008): 173-184. AbstractWebsite

Purpose ? This paper sets out to implement bounded high?order (HO) resolution schemes in a hybrid finite volume/finite element method for the solution of the radiative transfer equation. Design/methodology/approach ? The hybrid finite volume/finite element method had formerly been developed using the step scheme, which is only first?order accurate, for the spatial discretization. Here, several bounded HO resolution schemes, namely the MINMOD, CLAM, MUSCL and SMART schemes, formulated using the normalized variable diagram, were implemented using the deferred correction procedure. Findings ? The results obtained reveal an interaction between spatial and angular discretization errors, and show that the HO resolution schemes yield improved accuracy over the step scheme if the angular discretization error is small. Research limitations/implications ? Although the HO resolution schemes reduce the spatial discretization error, they do not influence the angular discretization error. Therefore, the global error is only reduced if the angular discretization error is also small. Practical implications ? The use of HO resolution schemes is only effective if the angular refinement yields low?angular discretization errors. Moreover, spatial and angular refinement should be carried out simultaneously. Originality/value ? The paper extends a methodology formerly developed in computational fluid dynamics, and aimed at the improvement of the solution accuracy, to the hybrid finite volume/finite element method for the solution of the radiative transfer equation.

Lopes, Rui Amaral, Adriana Chambel, João Neves, Daniel Aelenei, and João Martins. "A Literature Review of Methodologies Used to Assess the Energy Flexibility of Buildings." Energy Procedia. 91 (2016): 1053-1058. AbstractWebsite

Abstract Due to the introduction of distributed renewable energy technologies with variable resource availability, the need of flexible electrical systems is evident. In general, flexibility is achieved from the supply side and often using carbon intensive energy generators. Therefore, improving the flexibility of the electrical system by taking advantage of renewable energy generation capacities and demand response measures in buildings is of major importance for a sustainable development. Control systems to implement these demand response measures need to quantify the flexibility of the respective buildings. Having this into consideration, this paper aims at presenting a literature review on methodologies to quantify the energy flexibility of buildings.

Lopes, R. A., P. Magalhães, J. P. Gouveia, D. Aelenei, C. Lima, and J. Martins. "A case study on the impact of nearly Zero-Energy Buildings on distribution transformer aging." Energy. 157 (2018): 669-678. AbstractWebsite
Lopes, Rui Amaral, João Martins, Daniel Aelenei, and Celson Pantoja Lima. "A cooperative net zero energy community to improve load matching." Renewable Energy. 93.August (2016): 1-13. AbstractWebsite

The work reported here addresses load matching improvement in Net Zero Energy Buildings (Net-ZEBs). The related relevant literature shows that currently research work is mainly focused on improving the load matching of individual buildings. In this paper the concept of a Cooperative Net Zero Energy Community (CNet-ZEC) is introduced, extending discussion to the enhancement of load matching at a wider community level. Both building and community levels are compared in order to assess the work proposed here, through the analysis of three distinct scenarios where five Net-ZEBs work individually or in community.

The results presented here were obtained through a detailed simulation based on 1-min resolution stochastic load profiles and recorded weather data. The results indicate that over the period of a year the CNet-ZEC has the potential to increase the electrical demand covered by onsite electricity generation up to 21% and the on-site generation that is used by the building up to 15%. The following elements are considered by the CNet-ZEC in order to produce those results: (i) demand heterogeneity of the buildings integrating the community; (ii) the higher number of controllable devices; and (iii) the potential higher amount of energy available to satisfy the community demand.

Leal, Hugo, and Daniel Aelenei. "Reabilitação energética de edifícios residenciais com recurso a solários." PATORREB 2012. 978-84-96712-49-2. 2012. Abstract


da Gomes, Maria Gloria, António Moret Rodrigues, and Daniel Aelenei. "Solar-Optical Properties of Venetian Blinds: Modelling, Experimentation and Design Optimization." ZEMCH 2012. 978-0-9574189-0-5. 2012. Abstract


Garde, Francois, Daniel Aelenei, Laura Aelenei, Alessandra Scognamiglio, and Josef Ayoub Solution Sets for Net-Zero Energy Buildings. Wiley-{VCH} Verlag {GmbH} {&} Co. {KGaA}, 2017. AbstractWebsite
Garde, F., A. Lenoir, A. Scognamiglio, D. Aelenei, D. Waldren, HN Rostvik, J. Ayoub, L. Aelenei, M. Donn, M. Tardif, and others. "Design of net zero energy buildings: Feedback from international projects." Energy Procedia. 61 (2014): 995-998. Abstract

The International Energy Agency (IEA), through the Solar Heating and Cooling programme (SHC) Task 40 and the Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems programme (ECBCS, now named EBC) Annex 52, works towards developing a common understanding and setting up the basis for an international definition framework for Net Zero Energy Buildings (Net ZEBs). One of the subtasks of this programme?SubTaskC focuses benchmarking the Net ZEBs around the world to identify the innovative solutions sets that makes up this new type of building. This paper presents an overview of the work conducted by the participants of Subtask C and of Zero Energy Building projects that have been identified.

Carreiro-Martins, Pedro, João Viegas, Ana Luisa Papoila, Daniel Aelenei, Iolanda Caires, José Araújo-Martins, João Gaspar-Marques, Maria Manuela Cano, Ana Sofia Mendes, Daniel Virella, and others. "CO2 concentration in day care centres is related to wheezing in attending children." European journal of pediatrics. 173 (2014): 1041-1049.
Cano, Manuela, Susana Nogueira, Ana Luisa Papoila, F. Aguiar, Pedro Martins, J. Marques, Iolanda Caires, J. Martins, C. Pedro, P. Paixão, J. Rosado-Pinto, Paula Leiria-Pinto, Daniel Aelenei, Ana Mendes, João Teixeira, M. C. Proença, and Nuno Neuparth. "Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Children Day Care Centers ? ENVIRH Project." The Second International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE). 978-0-9816881-9-0; 0-9816881-9-5. 2012. Abstract


Azevedo, Susana, João Viegas, Daniel Aelenei, Ana Luisa Papoila, and Ana Mendes. "Environment and health in children day care centres results from phase I - preliminary analysis of buildings physical characteristics." The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation. 2012. Abstract
Araujo-Martins, J., Carreiro P. Martins, J. Viegas, D. Aelenei, MM Cano, JP Teixeira, P. Paixão, AL Papoila, P. Leiria-Pinto, C. Pedro, and others. "Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres (ENVIRH)–Study rationale and protocol." Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 20 (2014): 311-323. Abstract

Background Indoor air quality (IAQ) is considered an important determinant of human health. The association between exposure to volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, house dust mite, molds and bacteria in day care centers (DCC) is not completely clear. The aim of this project was to study these effects. Methods ? study design This study comprised two phases. Phase I included an evaluation of 45 DCCs (25 from Lisbon and 20 from Oporto, targeting 5161 children). In this phase, building characteristics, indoor CO2 and air temperature/relative humidity, were assessed. A children's respiratory health questionnaire derived from the ISAAC (International Study on Asthma and Allergies in Children) was also distributed. Phase II encompassed two evaluations and included 20 DCCs selected from phase I after a cluster analysis (11 from Lisbon and 9 from Oporto, targeting 2287 children). In this phase, data on ventilation, IAQ, thermal comfort parameters, respiratory and allergic health, airway inflammation biomarkers, respiratory virus infection patterns and parental and child stress were collected. Results In Phase I, building characteristics, occupant behavior and ventilation surrogates were collected from all DCCs. The response rate of the questionnaire was 61.7% (3186 children). Phase II included 1221 children. Association results between DCC characteristics, IAQ and health outcomes will be provided in order to support recommendations on IAQ and children's health. A building ventilation model will also be developed. Discussion This paper outlines methods that might be implemented by other investigators conducting studies on the association between respiratory health and indoor air quality at DCC.

Aelenei, Daniel, Susana Azevedo, João Viegas, Ana Mendes, Ana Luisa Papoila, Manuela Cano, Pedro Martins, and Nuno Neuparth. "Environment and Health in Children Day Care Centres in Portugal - results from phase II on the ventilation characteristics of 16 schools." CLIMA 2013. 978-80-260-4001-9. 2013. Abstract