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Leal, Hugo, and Daniel Aelenei. "Reabilitação energética de edifícios residenciais com recurso a solários." PATORREB 2012. 978-84-96712-49-2. 2012. Abstract


Lopes, Rui Amaral, João Martins, Daniel Aelenei, and Celson Pantoja Lima. "A cooperative net zero energy community to improve load matching." Renewable Energy. 93.August (2016): 1-13. AbstractWebsite

The work reported here addresses load matching improvement in Net Zero Energy Buildings (Net-ZEBs). The related relevant literature shows that currently research work is mainly focused on improving the load matching of individual buildings. In this paper the concept of a Cooperative Net Zero Energy Community (CNet-ZEC) is introduced, extending discussion to the enhancement of load matching at a wider community level. Both building and community levels are compared in order to assess the work proposed here, through the analysis of three distinct scenarios where five Net-ZEBs work individually or in community.

The results presented here were obtained through a detailed simulation based on 1-min resolution stochastic load profiles and recorded weather data. The results indicate that over the period of a year the CNet-ZEC has the potential to increase the electrical demand covered by onsite electricity generation up to 21% and the on-site generation that is used by the building up to 15%. The following elements are considered by the CNet-ZEC in order to produce those results: (i) demand heterogeneity of the buildings integrating the community; (ii) the higher number of controllable devices; and (iii) the potential higher amount of energy available to satisfy the community demand.

Lopes, Rui Amaral, Adriana Chambel, João Neves, Daniel Aelenei, and João Martins. "A Literature Review of Methodologies Used to Assess the Energy Flexibility of Buildings." Energy Procedia. 91 (2016): 1053-1058. AbstractWebsite

Abstract Due to the introduction of distributed renewable energy technologies with variable resource availability, the need of flexible electrical systems is evident. In general, flexibility is achieved from the supply side and often using carbon intensive energy generators. Therefore, improving the flexibility of the electrical system by taking advantage of renewable energy generation capacities and demand response measures in buildings is of major importance for a sustainable development. Control systems to implement these demand response measures need to quantify the flexibility of the respective buildings. Having this into consideration, this paper aims at presenting a literature review on methodologies to quantify the energy flexibility of buildings.

Lopes, R. A., P. Magalhães, J. P. Gouveia, D. Aelenei, C. Lima, and J. Martins. "A case study on the impact of nearly Zero-Energy Buildings on distribution transformer aging." Energy. 157 (2018): 669-678. AbstractWebsite