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Journal Article
Rybarczyk, Y. "Educative game to promote phonological awareness in children with neurodevelopmental disorders." IEEE Latin America Transactions. 16.1 (2018): 242-247.copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., and Vernay D. "Educative therapeutic tool to promote the empowerment of disabled people." IEEE Latin America Transactions. 14.7 (2016): 3410-3417.copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Coelho, T., Cardoso, T., and De Oliveira R. "Effect of avatars and viewpoints on performance in virtual world: efficiency vs. telepresence." EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies. 14.1 (2014): e4.Website
Rybarczyk, Y., and Mestre D. "Effect of temporal organization of the visuo-locomotor coupling on the predictive steering." Frontiers in Perception Science. 3.239 (2012): 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00239.copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., and Mestre D. "Effect of visuo-manual configuration on a telerobot integration into the body schema." Le Travail Humain . 76.3 (2013): 181-204.copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Mestre D., Hoppenot P., and Colle E. "Implémentation de mécanismes d’anticipation visuo-motrice en téléopération." Le Travail Humain. 67.3 (2004): 209-233.copy.pdf
Mancas, M., Madhkour R., De Beul D., Leroy J., Riche N., Rybarczyk Y., and Zajéga F. "Kinact: a saliency-based social game." QPSR of the Numediart Research Program. 4.3 (2011): 65-70.copy.pdf
Deters, J.K., Zalakeviciute, R., Gonzalez, M., and Rybarczyk Y. "Modeling PM2.5 urban pollution using machine learning and selected meteorological parameters." Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2017 (2017): 1-14.copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Cointe, C., Gonçalves, T., Minhoto, V., Kleine Deters, J., Villarreal, S., Aladro Gonzalo, A., Baldeón, J., and Esparza D. "On the use of natural user interfaces in physical rehabilitation: a Web-based application for patients with hip prosthesis." Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts. 10.2 (2018): 15-24.copy.pdf
Zalakeviciute, R., Rybarczyk, Y., López-Villada, J., and Diaz Suarez M.V. "Quantifying decade-long effects of fuel and traffic regulations on urban ambient PM2.5 pollution in a mid-size South American city." Atmospheric Pollution Research. 9.1 (2018): 66-75.Website
Rybarczyk, Y., Ait Aider O., Hoppenot P., and Colle E. "Remote control of a biomimetics robot assistance system for disabled persons." AMSE Modelling, Measurement and Control. 63.4 (2002): 47-56.copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y., Kleine Deters, J., Cointe, C., and Esparza D. "Smart Web-based platform to support physical rehabilitation." Sensors. 18.5 (2018): 1344.Website
Rybarczyk, Y., and Gonçalves M.J. "WebLisling: uma plataforma terapêutica baseada na web para a reabilitação de doentes afásicos." IEEE Latin America Transactions. 14.8 (2016): 3921-3927.copy.pdf
Rybarczyk, Y. A study of the human-machine cooperation in a remote-control situation. Eds. Colle E., and Mestre D. University of Evry. Evry, France: Evry University, 2004.copy.pdf