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Camarinha-Matos, Luis M., Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Ersin Cem Kaletas, and Tiago Cardoso. "Service federation in virtual organizations." Digital Enterprise Challenges. Springer, Boston, MA, 2001. 305-324. Abstract

The practical implantation of the concept of dynamic virtual enterprise is still far from expectations due to a number of factors such as the lack of appropriate interoperable infrastructures and tools, lack of common ontology, and the socio-organizational difficulties. However, the creation of industry clusters supported by advanced information and communication tools can meanwhile provide a basis for the rapid creation of dynamic virtual enterprises in response to the market opportunities. A federated service management approach is introduced in this context and its application to the tourism industry is discussed. Finally, the support for the aggregation of simpler services into value-added services, implemented by distributed business processes within different organizations, is presented.

Lopes, Tiago, Tiago Cardoso, and José Barata. "Sign Language Support–Adding a Gesture Library to the Leap Motion SDK." International Conference on Serious Games, Interaction and Simulation. Springer, Cham, 2016. 109-116. Abstract

There are several research initiatives that tackle gesture recognition. Nevertheless the interaction between the input devices and an application level is still a hard task that has to be accomplished each time a new system is being developed. The objective of this research work is to facilitate that endeavor by introducing a new generic software layer between the gesture capture device and the application level. This layer will provide the introduction of a gesture library and a set of functionalities both to feed this library and pursue gesture recognition afterwards. The objective is to hinder lower-level software/hardware details from a developer towards letting him or her to focus directly at the Application Level. This article presents the created architecture for this new layer. The validation was made using the Leap Motion, at the Sensor Level, and creating a Serious Game devoted to Sign Language exercising, at the Application Level.

Klen, Edmilson, Tiago Cardoso, and L. M. Camarinha-Matos. "Teaching Initiatives on Collaborative Networked Organizations." Proceedings of 38th CIRP-International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems. 2005. 16-18. Abstract

The technological evolution brought the society to a networked reality. New organizational forms are being created, towards a better response to market opportunities, both in terms of time-to-market and added-value creation. In this context the Collaborative Networked Organizations (CNO) paradigm appears as a good organizational form to attend market needs. To avoid the conventional barriers in the implementation of this new organizational form, education and training are very important activities, already building an international consensus. This paper surveys current work on teaching initiatives in the CNO area around the world.

Galveia, Bruno, Tiago Cardoso, Vitor Santor, and Yves Rybarczyk. "Towards the creation of a gesture library." EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies. 2 (2015): 1-8. Abstract

The evolution of technology has risen new possibilities in the so called Natural User Interfaces research area. Among distinct initiatives, several researchers are working with the existing sensors towards improving the support to gesture languages. This article tackles the recognition of gestures, using the Kinect sensor, in order to create a gesture library and support the gesture recognition processes afterwards.

Cardoso, Tiago, Vitor Santos, Carolina Santos, and José Barata. "Transferência de Tecnologia para Causas Sociais através dos Vídeo Jogos." VideoJogos 2015. Coimbra-Portugal 2015. Abstract

A sociedade organizou-se para fazer frente a necessidades como o tratamento e acompanhamento de crianças ou jovens com Síndrome de Down, Surdez, Autismo, entre outras patologias. Como resultado, surgiram distintas organizações com o objetivo de lidar com estes casos, compostas por médicos, terapeutas, psicólogos, sociólogos e outros profissionais, mas excluindo profissionais dedicados ao desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias. Por outro lado, alunos finalistas de cursos tecnológicos desenvolvem normalmente um projeto tecnológico do início na disciplina final dos seus cursos - Projeto/Dissertação de fim de curso. Este artigo propõe um método para aplicar o esforço e entusiasmo de tais alunos às causas sociais mencionadas através do desenvolvimento de Jogos.

Lima, Catiele, José Barata, Pedro Fernandes, and Tiago Cardoso. "Urban-Architect Role in Smart-City planning - Literature Review and Case Studies." International Conference on Engineering. Madeira - Portugal 2017. Abstract

The Urban-Architect role in smart cities is a topic that has not received much attention from the scientific community. This article studies the work of the traditional responsible for thinking the cities, the Urban Architect. Under a critical proposition, aspects of this problematic are identified, which is in part nourished by the deficient action of these professionals.
The study was divided into two parts, the first one materialized through a bibliographical survey, in this section it is presented; 1 - a more detailed description of why this research work; 2 - a contextualisation of the transition of the scenarios is explained; 3 - the problematization and the reflection are raised for some reasons of the "disqualification" of the action of the architect-urbanist in the scene.
The second is based on the discussion between the authors and case studies; 4 - aspects are discussed and some characteristics are listed for "(re) framing" within the ideal scenario; 5 - four case studies are described: two smart cities built from scratch and two cities being transformed into smart cities; 6 - the limitations, conclusions and strands for future work are woven.

Santos, Vitor, Carolina Santos, and Tiago Cardoso. "Use of sociology concepts as the basis of a model for improving accessibility in Smart Cities." Procedia Computer Science. 67 (2015): 409-418. Abstract

The use of mobile devices and their use for Internet access, for georeferentiation and services consumption had a huge increase.

Today, these devices ability to establish cooperation networks and to interact intelligently and cooperatively with the surrounding environment has growing importance.

In this paper, we propose a system, based on a model which uses the social paradigms in mobile ubiquitous interactions, capable to effectively connect and integrate these devices in order to improve the accessibility in the cities. The model is inspired in concepts from the theory of organizations and sociology, as the notions of “social role”, “ownership” and “responsibility”, to be incorporated in each device.

We present an example for applying the model in the context of accessibility in smart cities for the pedestrian traffic light automatic management.

Santos, Vitor, Tiago Cardoso, and Eva Oliveira. "Using creativity techniques to create new computer games." VideoJogos'2014. 2014. Abstract

In the face of growing global game production competition, the ability to come out with new ideas to create computer games is widely recognized today as important. In this context, the chance to resort - in a practical way - to known creativity techniques or adaptations of these to help innovation in this field is a promising challenge, both in the field of entertainment games and the so called serious games. In this article we present the development of a research work in this area and the result proposal method for the introduction of creativity in Games Design. The main objective is the construction of innovative Games that have not been identified by the normal methods used in the analysis of games proposals. We present a case study of the method implemented for the identification of new games design opportunities in an MSc Games course.

Simao, José, Luisa Cotrim, Teresa Condeco, Tiago Cardoso, Miguel Palha, Yves Rybarczyk, and José Barata. "Using Games for the Phonetics Awareness of Children with Down Syndrome." International Conference on Serious Games, Interaction and Simulation. Springer, Cham, 2016. 1-8. Abstract

Computers and technology can play a key role in supporting learning, namely for students with special educational needs. Nevertheless, despite the emphasis the society puts on the use of technology and its fast proliferation in the area of education, few initiatives focus on the specific needs of children with disabilities. Motivated by this gap, this research work proposes a computer assisted education application that targets to teach talking and reading through games. The work described herein was carried out in close cooperation with - , a child-care institution that works with children with distinct growth disorders, namely the Down syndrome.

Macedo, Patricia, Tiago Cardoso, and Luis M. Camarinha-Matos. "Value systems alignment in product servicing networks." Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013. 71-80. Abstract

The notion of service-enhanced product brings new perspectives for value creation and differentiation in manufacturing. The existence of complex and highly customized products, the inclusion of business services that add value to the product typically require the collaboration of multiple stakeholders. It is natural that each stakeholder has its own set of values and preferences and as a result, conflicts among them might emerge due to some values misalignment. Therefore, the Value System Alignment assessment should be included when selecting partner for the formation of long-term collaborative networks for the operation and management of the product life-cycle. This paper presents the implementation of a Value System alignment assessment model, as a component of the cloud-based collaborative environment designed to support a mix of collaborative enterprise networks involved in the solar energy sector.

Camarinha-Matos, Luis, and Tiago Cardoso. "Virtual Enterprises teaching at UNL." (2003). Abstract

The introduction of new courses on virtual organizations at the engineering education level is an important element for the broad acceptance of this new paradigm. This article summarizes the experience with an initiative of teaching Virtual Enterprises / Virtual Organizations subjects to Electrical and Computer Engineering students. The course structure, both in its lecture and lab work components, is described. Finally, some lessons learned with two editions of this course are presented.

Franco, José, Fátima Trindade, Sandra Silva, Miguel Palha, and Tiago Cardoso. "“No Reino dos Fonemas” jogo sério para a aprendizagem da leitura." (2015). Abstract

Neste artigo é apresentado um jogo sério que visa auxiliar a iniciação da aprendizagem do Princípio Alfabético
(discriminação auditiva dos sons das vogais) em crianças com dificuldades na aprendizagem (em particular
com alterações na consciência fonológica). Para isso são estudados vários motores de jogo e o conceito de elearning. São mostrados os vários cenários do jogo bem como as suas funcionalidades e propósitos. Este jogo
foi criado para capacitar instituições de apoio a crianças com perturbações do neurodesenvolvimento.