The Cauchy singular integral operator on weighted variable Lebesgue spaces

Karlovich, Alexei Yu., and Ilya M. Spitkovsky. "The Cauchy singular integral operator on weighted variable Lebesgue spaces." Concrete Operators, Spectral Theory, Operators in Harmonic Analysis and Approximation. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 236. Eds. Manuel Cepedello Boiso, Håkan Hedenmalm, Marinus A. Kaashoek, Alfonso Montes Rodríguez, and Sergei Treil. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2014. 275-291.


Let \(p:\mathbb{R}\to(1,\infty)\) be a globally log-Hölder continuous variable exponent and \(w:\mathbb{R}\to[0,\infty]\) be a weight. We prove that the Cauchy singular integral operator \(S\) is bounded on the weighted variable Lebesgue space \(L^{p(\cdot)}(\mathbb{R},w)=\{f:fw\in L^{p(\cdot)}(\mathbb{R})\}\) if and only if the weight \(w\) satisfies $$ \sup_{-\infty < a < b < \infty} \frac{1}{b-a} \|w\chi_{(a,b)}\|_{p(\cdot)} \|w^{-1}\chi_{(a,b)}\|_{p'(\cdot)}<\infty \quad (1/p(x)+1/p'(x)=1). $$

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