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Martins, Assis F., Paulo I. Teixeira, and Helena M. Godinho. "Proceedings of the 9TH European Conference on Liquid Crystals (ECLC 2007) Part I of II Foreword." Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 494 (2008): VII-VIII. Abstract
Moura Ramos, Joaquim J., Hermínio P. Diogo, Maria Helena Godinho, Carlos Cruz, and Katarzyna Merkel. "Anomalous thermal behavior of salicylsalicylic acid and evidence for a monotropic transition to a nematic phase." The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 108.23 (2004): 7955-7962. Abstract
Patrício, P., Paulo Ivo Cortez Teixeira, AC Trindade, and M. H. Godinho. "Longitudinal versus polar wrinkling of core-shell fibers with anisotropic size mismatches." Physical Review E. 89.1 (2014): 012403. Abstract
Pieranski, Pawel, Maria Helena Godinho, and Simon Čopar. "Persistent quasiplanar nematic texture: Its properties and topological defects." Physical Review E. 94.4 (2016): 042706. Abstract
Pieranski, Pawel, Simon Čopar, Maria Helena Godinho, and Mallory Dazza. "Hedgehogs in the dowser state." The European Physical Journal E. 39.12 (2016): 121. Abstract
Pinto, LFV, S. Kundu, P. Brogueira, C. Cruz, S. N. Fernandes, A. Aluculesei, and M. H. Godinho. "Cellulose-based liquid crystalline photoresponsive films with tunable surface wettability." Langmuir. 27.10 (2011): 6330-6337. Abstract
Prabaharan, M., J. P. Borges, M. H. Godinho, and J. F. Mano PART 2-IV Polymers, Molecular Materials and Biomaterials-Liquid Crystalline Behaviour of Chitosan in Formic, Acetic, Monochloroacetic Acid Solutions. Vol. 514516. Materials Science Forum, 514516. Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 1984-, 2006. Abstract
Prabaharan, Mani, João P. Borges, M. H. Godinho, and João F. Mano Liquid crystalline behaviour of chitosan in formic, acetic, monochloroacetic acid solutions. Vol. 514. Materials science forum, 514. Trans Tech Publications, 2006. Abstract
Reis, Dennys, Ana C. Trindade, Maria Helena Godinho, Laura C. Silva, Maria do Carmo Gonçalves, and Antônio Figueiredo M. Neto. "Nanoscale Structure of Urethane/Urea Elastomeric Films." Brazilian Journal of Physics. 47.1 (2017): 19-25. Abstract
Richardson, RM, EB Barmatov, IJ Whitehouse, VP Shibaev, T. Yongjie, and MHF Godinho. "SECTION IV: STRUCTURES-PHASE TRANSITIONS-A Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of the Effect of Molecular Weight on the Conformation of Side Chain Liquid Crystal Polymers in a Smectic Phase." Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 330 (1999): 1529-1536. Abstract
Richardson, RM, EB Barmatov, IJ Whitehouse, VP Shibaev, T. Yongjie, and MHF Godinho. "A small angle neutron scattering study of the effect of molecular weight on the conformation of side chain liquid crystal polymers in a smectic phase." Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 330.1 (1999): 285-292. Abstract
Riti, Jean-Bernard, M. T. Cidade, M. H. Godinho, AF Martins, and Patrick Navard. "Shear induced textures of thermotropic acetoxypropylcellulose." Journal of Rheology. 41.6 (1997): 1247-1260. Abstract
Rosa, MJ, M. N. de Pinho, M. H. Godinho, and AF Martins. "Optical polarizing studies of cellulose acetate membranes prepared by phase-inversion." Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 258.1 (1995): 163-171. Abstract
Rosu, C., D. Manaila-Maximean, M. H. Godinho, and PL Almeida. "Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents and Optical Transmissionon Liquid Crystal/Cellulose Derivative Composite Devices." Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 391.1 (2003): 1-11. Abstract
Rusig, I., M. H. Godinho, L. Varichon, P. Sixou, J. Dedier, C. Filliatre, and AF Martins. "Optical properties of cholesteric (2‐hydroxypropyl) cellulose (HPC) esters." Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 32.11 (1994): 1907-1914. Abstract
Rusig, I., J. Dedier, C. Filliatre, M. H. Godinho, L. Varichon, and P. Sixou. "Effect of Degradation on Thermotropic Cholesteric Optical Properties of (2-Hydroxypropyl)cellulose (HPC) Esters." Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 30 (1992): 895. Abstract
Sebastião, PJ, M. H. Godinho, AC Ribeiro, D. Guillon, and M. Vilfan. "NMR study of molecular dynamics in a mixture of two polar liquid crystals (CBOOA and DOBCA)." Liquid Crystals. 11.4 (1992): 621-635. Abstract
Sebastião, PJ, C. Cruz, D. Pires, A. Ferraz, P. Brogueira, and M. H. Godinho. "Anisotropic hydroxypropylcellulose films as alignment layers of a bistable ferroelectric device." Liquid crystals. 29.12 (2002): 1491-1495. Abstract
Sebastião, PJ, A. Gradisek, LFV Pinto, T. Apih, M. H. Godinho, and M. Vilfan. "Fast field-cycling NMR relaxometry study of chiral and nonchiral nematic liquid crystals." The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 115.49 (2011): 14348-14358. Abstract
Sena, C., C. Bailey, M. H. Godinho, J. L. Figueirinhas, P. Palffy-Muhoray, and AM Figueiredo Neto. "Stress-induced birefringence in elastomers doped with ferrofluid magnetic particles: Mechanical and optical investigation." Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 300.1 (2006): 79-82. Abstract
Sena, C., M. H. Godinho, and AM Figueiredo Neto. "Optical characterization of urethane/urea elastomers undoped and doped with magnetic nanoparticles subjected to a uniaxial strain." Journal of Applied Physics. 102.7 (2007): 073524. Abstract
Sena, C., M. H. Godinho, Cristiano Luis Pinto de Oliveira, and AM Figueiredo Neto. "Liquid crystalline cellulosic elastomers: free standing anisotropic films under stretching." Cellulose. 18.5 (2011): 1151. Abstract
Sena, C., M. H. Godinho, PJ Sebastião, D. Sousa, and AM Figueiredo Neto. "Free-standing urethane/urea elastomer films undoped and doped with ferro-nano-particles." The European Physical Journal E. 34.1 (2011): 1-11. Abstract
Silva, Pedro Emanuel Santos, and Maria Helena Godinho. "Helical Microfilaments with Alternating Imprinted Intrinsic Curvatures." Macromolecular Rapid Communications (2017). Abstract
Silva, Pedro ES, Joao L. Trigueiros, Ana C. Trindade, Ricardo Simoes, Ricardo G. Dias, Maria Helena Godinho, and Fernao Vistulo de Abreu. "Perversions with a twist." Scientific reports. 6 (2016). Abstract