A Systematic Comparison of i* Modelling Tools Based on Syntactic and Well-Formedness Rules

Almeida, C., M. Goulão, and J. Araújo, "A Systematic Comparison of i* Modelling Tools Based on Syntactic and Well-Formedness Rules", 6th International i* (iStar) Workshop, Valencia, Spain, 17-18 Jun. , 2013.

Date Presented:

17-18 Jun.


There are several tools currently available in the i * community. These tools have diff erent features and purposes. Choosing the most adequate tool for a specifi c modelling situation can be a challenge. To overcome this diffculty, we present a systematic comparison of the i * tools listed in the i * wiki page, according to their features, syntax coverage and semantic analysis support. Our comparison highlights the
diff erent strengths of those tools, to help identifying situations for which each tool might be particularly useful. We contribute with an aggregated vision of current i * tool support to the body of knowledge of the i * community. In addition, this comparison also helps identifying opportunities for further evolution of the surveyed tools.

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