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da Carvalho, {Patrícia Miguel Silva}, Fábio Leite, {A. L. M. } Silva, Sofia Pessanha, {Maria Luísa} Carvalho, {João F. C. A. } Veloso, and {José Paulo} Santos. "Elemental mapping of Portuguese ceramic pieces with a full-field XRF scanner based on a 2D-THCOBRA detector." European Physical Journal Plus 136 (2021). Abstract

In this work, we present a novel application of the full-field energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) imaging system based on a MicroPattern Gaseous Detector (2D-THCOBRA) in the cultural heritage field. The detector has an intrinsic imaging capability with spatial resolution of 400μmFWHM, and is energy sensitive, presenting an energy resolution of approximately 1keVFWHM at 5.9keV. The full-field XRF scanner based on the 2D-THCOBRA detector allows mapping the distribution of elements in large area samples with high detection efficiency (75 % at 5.9keV), being a very promising choice for elemental mapping analysis of large area cultural heritage samples. In this work, we have demonstrated the imaging capabilities of the full-field XRF scanner and used it to assess the restoration of a Portuguese faience piece.

Costa, A. M., M. C. Martins, J. P. Santos, P. Indelicato, and F. Parente. "Relativistic calculation of Kβ hypersatellite energies and transition probabilities for selected atoms with 13<=Z<=80." Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 39 (2006): 2355-2366. AbstractWebsite
Energies and transition probabilities of Kβ hypersatellite lines are computed using the Dirac–Fock model for several values of Z throughout the periodic table. The influence of the Breit interaction on the energy shifts from the corresponding diagram lines and on the Kβh1/Kβh3 intensity ratio is evaluated. The widths of the double-K hole levels are calculated for Al and Sc. The results are compared to experiment and to other theoretical calculations.
Costa, A. M., M. C. Martins, J. P. Santos, P. Indelicato, and F. Parente. "Relativistic calculation of Kα hypersatellite line energies and transition probabilities for selected atoms with 12<=Z<=80." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 40 (2007): 57. AbstractWebsite
The transition probabilities of Kα hypersatellite lines and energy shifts with respect to the corresponding diagram lines are computed using the Dirac–Fock model for several values of atomic number Z throughout the periodic table. The influence of the Breit interaction on the Kα1h/Kα2h line intensity ratio, Kα1h and Kα2h line energy shifts and Kα1h to Kα2h line energy splitting is evaluated. Double-K shell hole threshold values for selected elements with 23 ⩽Z⩽ 30, calculated within the same approach, are compared with available experimental results.
Costa, A. M., M. C. Martins, J. P. Santos, P. Indelicato, and F. Parente. "Relativistic calculation of Kβ hypersatellite energies and transition probabilities for selected atoms with 13 ≤ Z ≤ 80." Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 39 (2006): 2355-2366. AbstractWebsite

Energies and transition probabilities of Kβ hypersatellite lines are computed using the Dirac–Fock model for several values of Z throughout the periodic table. The influence of the Breit interaction on the energy shifts from the corresponding diagram lines and on the Kβh1/Kβh3 intensity ratio is evaluated. The widths of the double-K hole levels are calculated for Al and Sc. The results are compared to experiment and to other theoretical calculations.Al_Sc_Mg_Ti

Costa, A. M., M. C. Martins, J. P. Santos, P. Indelicato, and F. Parente. "Relativistic calculation of K&alpha; hypersatellite line energies and transition probabilities for selected atoms with 12 ≤ Z ≤ 80." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 40 (2007): 57. AbstractWebsite

The transition probabilities of K&alpha; hypersatellite lines and energy shifts with respect to the corresponding diagram lines are computed using the Dirac&ndash;Fock model for several values of atomic number <I>Z</I> throughout the periodic table. The influence of the Breit interaction on the K&alpha;<SUB>1</SUB><SUP>h</SUP>/K&alpha;<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>h</SUP> line intensity ratio, K&alpha;<SUB>1</SUB><SUP>h</SUP> and K&alpha;<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>h</SUP> line energy shifts and K&alpha;<SUB>1</SUB><SUP>h</SUP> to K&alpha;<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>h</SUP> line energy splitting is evaluated. Double-K shell hole threshold values for selected elements with 23 &les;<I>Z</I>&les; 30, calculated within the same approach, are compared with available experimental results.

Costa, A. M., M. C. Martins, J. P. Santos, P. Indelicato, and F. Parente. "Dirac-Fock Transition Energies and Radiative and Radiationless Transition Probabilities for Ar8+ to Ar16+ Ion Levels with K-Shell Hole." Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 79 (2001): 223-239. Abstract
Diepold, Marc, Luis M. P. Fernandes, Jorge Machado, Pedro Amaro, Marwan Abdou-Ahmed, Fernando D. Amaro, Aldo Antognini, François Biraben, Tzu-Ling Chen, Daniel S. Covita, Andreas J. Dax, Beatrice Franke, Sandrine Galtier, Andrea L. Gouvea, Johannes Götzfried, Thomas Graf, Theodor W. Hänsch, Malte Hildebrandt, Paul Indelicato, Lucile Julien, Klaus Kirch, Andreas Knecht, Franz Kottmann, Julian J. Krauth, Yi-Wei Liu, Cristina M. B. Monteiro, Françoise Mulhauser, Boris Naar, Tobias Nebel, François Nez, Jose Paulo Santos, Joaquim M. F. dos Santos, Karsten Schuhmann, Csilla I. Szabo, David Taqqu, João F. C. A. Veloso, Andreas Voss, Birgit Weichelt, and Randolf Pohl. "Improved x-ray detection and particle identification with avalanche photodiodes." Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (2015): 053102-7. AbstractWebsite
Dyke, J. M., G. Levita, A. Morris, J. S. Ogden, A. A. Dias, M. Algarra, J. P. Santos, M. L. Costa, P. Rodrigues, M. M. Andrade, and M. T. Barros. "Contrasting Behavior in Azide Pyrolyses: An Investigation of the Thermal Decompositions of Methyl Azidoformate, Ethyl Azidoformate and 2-Azido-N, N-dimethylacetamide by Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy." Chemistry - A European Journal 11 (2005): 1665-1676. Abstract
The thermal decompositions of methyl azidoformate (N3COOMe), ethyl azidoformate (N3COOEt) and 2-azido-N,N-dimethylacetamide (N3CH2CONMe2) have been studied by matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy and real-time ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. N2 appears as an initial pyrolysis product in all systems, and the principal interest lies in the fate of the accompanying organic fragment. For methyl azidoformate, four accompanying products were observed: HNCO, H2CO, CH2NH and CO2, and these are believed to arise as a result of two competing decomposition routes of a four-membered cyclic intermediate. Ethyl azidoformate pyrolysis yields four corresponding products: HNCO, MeCHO, MeCHNH and CO2, together with the five-membered-ring compound 2-oxazolidone. In contrast, the initial pyrolysis of 2-azido-N,N-dimethyl acetamide, yields the novel imine intermediate Me2NCOCHNH, which subsequently decomposes into dimethyl formamide (HCONMe2), CO, Me2NH and HCN. This intermediate was detected by matrix isolation IR spectroscopy, and its identity confirmed both by a molecular orbital calculation of its IR spectrum, and by the temperature dependence and distribution of products in the PES and IR studies. Mechanisms are proposed for the formation and decomposition of all the products observed in these three systems, based on the experimental evidence and the results of supporting molecular orbital calculations.
Dyke, J. M., G. Levita, A. Morris, J. S. Ogden, A. A. Dias, M. Algarra, J. P. Santos, M. L. Costa, P. Rodrigues, M. M. Andrade, and M. T. Barros. "Contrasting Behavior in Azide Pyrolyses: An Investigation of the Thermal Decompositions of Methyl Azidoformate, Ethyl Azidoformate and 2-Azido-N, N-dimethylacetamide by Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy." Chemistry - A European Journal 11 (2005): 1665-1676. Abstract

The thermal decompositions of methyl azidoformate (N3COOMe), ethyl azidoformate (N3COOEt) and 2-azido-N,N-dimethylacetamide (N3CH2CONMe2) have been studied by matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy and real-time ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. N2 appears as an initial pyrolysis product in all systems, and the principal interest lies in the fate of the accompanying organic fragment. For methyl azidoformate, four accompanying products were observed: HNCO, H2CO, CH2NH and CO2, and these are believed to arise as a result of two competing decomposition routes of a four-membered cyclic intermediate. Ethyl azidoformate pyrolysis yields four corresponding products: HNCO, MeCHO, MeCHNH and CO2, together with the five-membered-ring compound 2-oxazolidone. In contrast, the initial pyrolysis of 2-azido-N,N-dimethyl acetamide, yields the novel imine intermediate Me2NCOCHNH, which subsequently decomposes into dimethyl formamide (HCONMe2), CO, Me2NH and HCN. This intermediate was detected by matrix isolation IR spectroscopy, and its identity confirmed both by a molecular orbital calculation of its IR spectrum, and by the temperature dependence and distribution of products in the PES and IR studies. Mechanisms are proposed for the formation and decomposition of all the products observed in these three systems, based on the experimental evidence and the results of supporting molecular orbital calculations.

Dyke, J. M., G. Levita, A. Morris, J. S. Ogden, A. A. Dias, M. Algarra, J. P. Santos, M. L. Costa, P. Rodrigues, and M. T. Barros. "A Study of the Thermal Decomposition of 2-Azidoacetamide by Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Matrix-Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy:  Identification of the Imine Intermediate H2NCOCHNH." The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 108 (2004): 5299-5307. AbstractWebsite

The thermal decomposition of 2-azidoacetamide (N3CH2CONH2) has been studied by matrix-isolation infrared spectroscopy and real-time ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. N2, CH2NH, HNCO, CO, NH3, and HCN are observed as high-temperature decomposition products, while at lower temperatures, the novel imine intermediate H2NCOCHNH is observed in the matrix-isolation IR experiments. The identity of this intermediate is confirmed both by ab initio molecular orbital calculations of its IR spectrum and by the temperature dependence and distribution of products in the photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) and IR studies. Mechanisms are proposed for the formation and decomposition of the intermediate consistent both with the observed results and with estimated activation energies based on pathway calculations.

Ensina, Ana, Patr{\'ı}cia M. Carvalho, Jorge Machado, Maria Lu{\'ı}sa Carvalho, Diogo Casal, Diogo Pais, José Paulo Santos, António A. Dias, and Sofia Pessanha. "Analysis of human tissues using Energy Dispersive X Ray Fluorescence – Dark matrix determination for the application to cancer research." Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 68 (2021): 126837. AbstractWebsite
EPS. "Euphysics News." 44 (2013): 1-36. Abstract
Fratini, F., L. Safari, P. Amaro, and J. P. Santos. "{Two-photon processes based on quantum commutators}." (2018): 1-13. Abstract
Fratini, F., L. Safari, A. G. Hayrapetyan, K. Jankala, P. Amaro, and J. P. Santos. "Quantized form factor shift in the presence of free electron laser radiation." EPL (Europhysics Letters) 107 (2014): 13002. AbstractWebsite

In electron scattering, the target form factors contribute significantly to the diffraction pattern and carry information on the target electromagnetic charge distribution. Here we show that the presence of electromagnetic radiation, as intense as currently available in free electron lasers, shifts the dependence of the target form factors by a quantity that depends on the number of photons absorbed or emitted by the electron as well as on the parameters of the electromagnetic radiation. As example, we show the impact of intense ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation on elastic electron scattering by the Ne-like argon ion and by the xenon atom. We find that the shift brought by the radiation to the form factor is of the order of some percent. Our results may open up a new avenue to explore matter with the assistance of laser.

Fratini, F., L. Safari, A. G. Hayrapetyan, K. Jankala, P. Amaro, and J. P. Santos. "Quantized form factor shift in the presence of free electron laser radiation." EPL (Europhysics Letters) 107 (2014): 13002. AbstractWebsite

In electron scattering, the target form factors contribute significantly to the diffraction pattern and carry information on the target electromagnetic charge distribution. Here we show that the presence of electromagnetic radiation, as intense as currently available in free electron lasers, shifts the dependence of the target form factors by a quantity that depends on the number of photons absorbed or emitted by the electron as well as on the parameters of the electromagnetic radiation. As example, we show the impact of intense ultraviolet and soft X-ray radiation on elastic electron scattering by the Ne-like argon ion and by the xenon atom. We find that the shift brought by the radiation to the form factor is of the order of some percent. Our results may open up a new avenue to explore matter with the assistance of laser.

Grilo, Filipe, Chintan Shah, Steffen Kühn, René Steinbrügge, Keisuke Fujii, José Marques, Ming Feng Gu, José Paulo Santos, José Crespo R. López-Urrutia, and Pedro Amaro. "Comprehensive Laboratory Measurements Resolving the {LMM} Dielectronic Recombination Satellite Lines in Ne-like Fe xvii Ions." The Astrophysical Journal 913 (2021): 140. AbstractWebsite
Guerra, M., J. M. Sampaio, T. I. Madeira, F. Parente, P. Indelicato, J. P. Marques, J. P. Santos, J. Hoszowska, Cl J. Dousse, L. Loperetti, F. Zeeshan, M. Muller, R. Unterumsberger, and B. Beckhoff. "Theoretical and experimental determination of L-shell decay rates, line widths, and fluorescence yields in Ge." Physical Review A 92 (2015): 022507-9. AbstractWebsite
Guerra, M., F. Parente, and J. P. Santos. "Electron impact ionization cross sections of several ionization stages of Kr, Ar and Fe." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 348 (2013): 1-8. AbstractWebsite

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 348 (2013) 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2013.02.011

Guerra, M., Th Stöhlker, P. Amaro, J. Machado, and J. P. Santos. "Electron impact ionization cross-sections for few-electron uranium ions." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48 (2015): 1-5. AbstractWebsite

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48(2015) 144027. doi:10.1088/0953-4075/48/14/144027

Guerra, M., P. Amaro, C. I. Szabo, A. Gumberidze, P. Indelicato, and J. P. Santos. "Analysis of the charge state distribution in an ECRIS Ar plasma using high-resolution x-ray spectra." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46 (2013): 065701. AbstractWebsite

In this work, we obtained a charge state distribution inside an Ar plasma produced by an electron–cyclotron-resonance ion source. The processes that lead to the observed lines in x-ray spectra are identified and included in the simulated x-ray spectrum. The geometrical constraints of the flat double crystal spectrometer, used to measure the x-ray spectrum, are investigated as they are crucial for correctly obtaining the ion densities from the observed transition amplitudes. Multiple electron impact ionization is included, and a realistic electron velocity distribution is taken into account. The charge state distribution of the Ar ions is compared to measured extracted ionic currents.

Guerra, M., S. C. Pé-Leve Santos, A. M. E. Barroso, C. P. S. Fonseca, M. Eloy Cruz, P. Amaro, J. L. Figueirinhas, M. L. Carvalho, and J. P. Santos. "Spatially resolved determination of toxic trace elements in plants of Panasqueira mining region using micro X-ray fluorescence." Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 (2015): 54-55. AbstractWebsite
Guerra, M., P. Amaro, J. Machado, and J. P. Santos. "Modified Binary-Encounter-Bethe Model for Electron Impact Ionization Cross Sections of Highly Charged Ions ." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015): 052067. AbstractWebsite
Guerra, M., F. Parente, and J. P. Santos. "Electron impact ionization of atomic target inner-shells." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194 (2009): 042047. AbstractWebsite
There is a need for reliable theoretical methods to calculate electron-impact total ionization cross sections for the large number of neutral atoms and ions with open shell structures. These cross sections are used in a wide range of scientific and industrial applications, such as astrophysical plasmas, atmospheric science, X-ray lasers, magnetic fusion, radiation physics, semiconductor fabrication, accelerator physics and tumor therapy physics. The binary-encounter-Bethe (BEB) model [1], using an analytic formula that requires only two atomic constants, the binding energy and kinetic energy of the electrons, generates direct ionization cross sections for any neutral atom (or molecule), which are reliable in intensity (15%) and shape from the ionization threshold to a few keV in the incident energy [3], or to thousands keV if we consider its relativistic version(RBEB) [2]. In this work we present K- and L-shell ionization cross sections calculations for heavy atoms.
Guerra, M., R. M. Pinto, J. P. Santos, and A. C. S. Paiva. "Towards the assignment of the REMPI spectrum of Ph 2O using CIS and TD-DFT methods." Molecular Physics 111 (2013): 3311-3319. AbstractWebsite
Guerra, M., J. M. Sampaio, F. Parente, P. Indelicato, P. Hönicke, M. Muller, B. Beckhoff, J. P. Marques, and J. P. Santos. "{Theoretical and experimental determination of $K$- and $L$-shell x-ray relaxation parameters in Ni}." Phys. Rev. A 97 (2018): 042501. Abstract