Conferences and research visits 2015

  • 23-24 May --- PCC 2015, University of Oslo, Norway (PC member) 
  • March/April --- research visit, University of Bologne, Italy

Talks 2015

  • 15 Dec. --- Classes of computational complexity: P and Pspace, 9th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, Universidade Aberta, Portugal.
  • 27-31 July --- Recursion and Complexity, Hilbert Bernays Summer School on Logic and Computation, University of Goettingen, Germany.
  • 17 June --- A recursion-theoretic approach to #P, University of Berne, Switzerland.
  • 24 May --- The class #P, PCC2015, University of Oslo, Norway.
  • 29 April --- Algebraic approach to complexity, Seminar of Algebra and Logic, CMA/FCT-UNL, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 12 April --- The probabilistic class PP, DICE 2015, Quenn Mary University, London, UK.
  • 18 March --- P, NP and Pspace from a recursion-theoretic perspective, Focus meeting, University of Bologna, Italy.