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N., Pereira, Goes J., Oliveira L. B., and Dinis R. Analog-to-Digital Converters with embedded IF mixing using variable reference voltages. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). Melbourne, Australia, 2014.
N., Pereira, Goes J., Rodrigues M., and Faria P. "A New Mismatch-Insensitive 1.5-Bit MDAC with Unity Feedback-Factor and Enhanced Performance." 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems. Marseille, France: IEEE, 2014.
Nowacki, Blazej, Nuno Paulino, and João Goes A 1V 77dB-DR 72dB-SNDR 10MHz-BW 2-1 MASH CT ΣΔM. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC’16). San Francisco, USA: IEEE, 2016.
Nowacki, Błażej, Nuno Paulino, and João Goes. "A Third-Order MASH ΣΔ Modulator Using Passive Integrators." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 64.11 (2017): 2871-2883.
Nowacki, B., Paulino N., and Goes J. A low power 4th order MASH switched-capacitor ΣΔ modulator using ultra incomplete settling. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). Melbourne, Australia, 2014.
Nowacki, B., N. Paulino, and J. Goes A Simple 1 GHz Non-Overlapping Two-Phase Clock Generators for SC Circuits. 20th Int. Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES'2013). Gdynia, Poland: IEEE, 2013.