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Inhibition of LOX by flavonoids: a structure-activity relationship study., Ribeiro, D., Freitas M., Tomé SM, Silva AM, Porto G., Cabrita E. J., Marques M. M., and Fernandes E. , European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 72, p.137-145, (2014) AbstractWebsite

The lipoxygenase (LOX) products have been identified as mediators of a series of inflammatory diseases, namely rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, allergic rhinitis, atherosclerosis and certain types of cancer. Hence, LOX inhibitors are of interest for the modulation of these phenomena and resolution of the inflammatory processes. During LOX activity, peroxyl radical complexes are part of the reaction and may function as sources of free radicals. Thus antioxidants, such as flavonoids, capable of inhibiting lipid peroxidation and scavenging free radicals, may act as LOX inhibitors. The aim of this work was to assess the structure–activity relationship among a series of flavonoids concerning 5-LOX inhibition, through a systematic study of the inhibition of the formation of LTB4 in human neutrophils. The type of inhibition of the flavonoids was further studied using soybean LOX, type I, and Saturation Transfer Difference 1H NMR (STD-1H NMR) was used to characterize the binding epitopes of the compounds to LOX-1. The obtained results reinforce flavonoids as effective inhibitors of LTB4 production in human neutrophils. It was also possible to establish a structure/activity relationship for the inhibitory activity and the type of inhibition.

NMR Solution Structure and SRP54M predicted interaction of the N-Terminal sequence (1-30) of the ovine Doppel protein, Pimenta, Jorge, Viegas Aldino, Sardinha João, Martins Ivo C., Cabrita Eurico J., Fontes Carlos M. G. A., Prates Jose A. M., and Pereira Rosa M. L. N. , Peptides, Volume 49, p.32-40, (2013) AbstractWebsite

Prion protein (PrPC) biosynthesis involves a multi-step process that includes translation and post-translational modifications. While PrP has been widely investigated, for the homolog Doppel (Dpl), limited knowledge is available. In this study, we focused on a vital step of eukaryotic protein biosynthesis: targeting by the signal recognition particle (SRP). Taking the ovine Dpl (OvDpl(1-30)) peptide as a template, we studied its behavior in two different hydrophobic environments using CD and NMR spectroscopy. In both trifluoroethanol (TFE) and dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DHPC), the OvDpl(1-30) peptide revealed to fold in an alpha-helical conformation with a well-defined central region extending from residue Cys8 until Ser22. The NMR structure was subsequently included in a computational docking complex with the conserved M-domain of SRP54 protein (SRP54M), and further compared with the N-terminal structures of mouse Dpl and bovine PrPC proteins. This allowed the determination of (i) common predicted N-terminal/SRP54M polar contacts (Asp331, Gln335, Glu365 and Lys432) and (ii) different N–C orientations between prion and Dpl peptides at the SRP54M hydrophobic groove, that are in agreement with each peptide electrostatic potential. Together, these findings provide new insights into the biosynthesis of prion-like proteins. Besides they also show the role of protein conformational switches in signalization toward the endoplasmic membrane, a key event of major significance in the cell cycle. They are thus of general applicability to the study of the biological function of prion-like as well as other proteins.

The Prion-like Protein Doppel Enhances Ovine Spermatozoa Fertilizing Ability, Pimenta, J., Dias FMV, Marques C. C., Baptista M. C., Vasques M. I., Horta A. E. M., Barbas J. P., Soares R., Mesquita P., Cabrita E., Fontes CMGA, Prates J. A., and Pereira R. M. , Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Volume 47, Issue 2, p.196-202, (2012) Abstract

The function of prion-like protein Doppel was suggested to be related to male fertility. In this study, the importance of ovine Doppel polypeptide on spermatozoa capacitation and fertilization was evaluated. After refolding, recombinant Doppel (rDpl) was supplemented with different concentrations (40, 80 or 190 ng/ml) to ovine spermatozoa during the capacitation process. In experiment 1, post-thawed ovine spermatozoa were incubated with different concentrations of rDpl during 1 h for swim-up, and changes in sperm motility, concentration, vigour, viability and capacitation were monitored (10 replicates). In experiment 2, the fertilization ability of post-swim-up spermatozoa incubated as above was tested through heterologous fertilization of bovine in vitro matured oocytes (n = 423, three replicates). Regardless of dosage, rDpl improved (p = 0.03) spermatozoa viability. Sperm individual motility and vigour were the highest (p = 0.04) for the group receiving 190 ng/ml rDpl. Sperm supplemented with the highest doses of rDpl achieved higher (p = 0.02) fertilization rates (56.0 +/- 3.0%) than control (39.1 +/- 2.2%) and 40 ng/ml rDpl (39.8 +/- 2.7%). Preliminary data suggest that Doppel protein may enhance in vitro spermatozoa fertilizing ability.

Structural, Physical, and Chemical Modifications Induced by Microwave Heating on Native Agar-like Galactans, Sousa, Ana M. M., Morais Simone, Abreu Maria H., Pereira Rui, Sousa-Pinto Isabel, Cabrita Eurico J., Delerue-Matos Cristina, and Gonca̧lves Maria Pilar , Jornal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , Volume 60, p.4977-4985, (2012) Abstract

Native agars from Gracilaria vermiculophylla produced in sustainable aquaculture systems (IMTA) were extracted under conventional (TWE) and microwave (MAE) heating. The optimal extracts from both processes were compared in terms of their properties. The agars’ structure was further investigated through Fourier transform infrared and NMR spectroscopy. Both samples showed a regular structure with an identical backbone, β-D-galactose (G) and 3,6-anhydro-α-L-galactose (LA) units; a considerable degree of methylation was found at C6 of the G units and, to a lesser extent, at C2 of the LA residues. The methylation degree in the G units was lower for MAEopt agar; the sulfate content was also reduced. MAE led to higher agar recoveries with drastic extraction time and solvent volume reductions. Two times lower values of [η] and Mv obtained for the MAEopt sample indicate substantial depolymerization of the polysaccharide backbone; this was reflected in its gelling properties; yet it was clearly appropriate for commercial application in soft-texture food products.

Development of PMMA membranes functionalized with hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrins for controlled drug delivery using a supercritical CO(2)-assisted technology, Temtem, M., Pompeu D., Jaraquemada G., Cabrita E. J., Casimiro T., and Aguiar-Ricardo A. , International Journal of Pharmaceutics, JUL 6 2009, Volume 376, Number 1-2, p.110-115, (2009) Abstract
Molecular determinants of ligand specificity in family 11 carbohydrate binding modules - an NMR, X-ray crystallography and computational chemistry approach, Viegas, Aldino, Bras Natercia F., Cerqueira Nuno M. F. S. A., Fernandes Pedro Alexandrino, Prates Jose A. M., Fontes Carlos M. G. A., Bruix Marta, Romao Maria Joao, Carvalho Ana Luisa, Ramos Maria Joao, Macedo Anjos L., and Cabrita Eurico J. , Febs Journal, MAY 2008, Volume 275, Number 10, p.2524-2535, (2008) Abstract